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Sport Psychology: Home

A guide for exploring the psychological implications of sport in terms of recreation, physiology, and medicine.


Welcome to the Sport Psychology LibGuide.  Above one will find tabs directing the user to different areas and resources for this discipline.

Where to Start

One option when beginning a search is to perform a subject search for items relating to Sport Psychology from our library catalog. Alternatively, one can browse the stacks; the call numbers listed below indicate which section contains which subjects.  

Call Numbers

Psychology - BF
Recreation, Leisure - GV
Physiology  - QP
Sports Medicine - RC1200-1245
Medicine - R-RC

Journals - In addition, search the catalog for a particular journal relevant to sport psychology. Click the link to access the bibliographic item record from our catalog and find the most current issues we have available. Periodicals are found on the second floor of the library.

The following is a list of representative journals for this discipline:

  • Health Psychology
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Journal of Consulting & Clinical Pyschology
  • Psychological Methods
  • Psychology Today