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A guide for mathematics resources.

Interlibrary loan  is a service that allows Marian University Libraries to borrow items from other libraries. The service is offered at no charge to all current MU students, faculty, and staff.

Additionally, requests can be made directly from the library catalog. Follow these instructions to request items from our catalog. 

Interlibrary Loan Procedures

Interlibrary Loan

MU Libraries participates in local, state, regional and national resource sharing programs to obtain materials for our users. Interlibrary loan is a library-to-library transaction; therefore all requests must be administered through a library. Requests can be initiated not only on our website and in the catalog, but also in databases such as EBSCO.


Interlibrary loan service is available to current Marian University faculty, staff and students. All others may submit requests through their local public libraries.

Before you submit a request:

Determine whether or not the library already owns the item you need. If we do not, the chances are likely that our catalog will have an additional items (articles typically) that will be closely related to your research topic.

  • Search the online library catalog for book and journal titles.
  • Search the e-journals A-Z  portal for journals available in electronic format.
  • Search for articles in an appropriate subject database.

Time Required

Requests are usually processed within 24 hours of receipt by the interlibrary loan staff. Requests are verified and submitted electronically to a string of potential suppliers. Users must allow a minimum of 10 days after submitting a request to receive material. Often, the item is received in much less time, but this can never be predicted. Peak borrowing periods, staff shortages, and the efficiency of the supplier, may influence the length of time needed.

Loan Periods

The loan period for borrowed materials varies and is determined by the lending library. Due dates are clearly marked on each borrowed item. Renewals must be requested before the due date of the current loan. Renewals are not automatically granted by the lender. 

Borrowing material

Items available to borrow from other libraries

  • Physical books

  • Physical media

  • Electronic or print copies of articles

  • Electronic or print sections/chapters from books

Items unavailable to borrow from other libraries

  • E-books

  • Streaming audio and video

  • Material on Reserve in the library

  • Textbooks and required readings used in classes

ILL Expectations

Best Practices

The following is a set of expectations and responsibilities when utilizing interlibrary loan at Marian University.

  • In order to maintain good resource sharing relationships with other institutions, due dates must be honored. Late return of library materials endangers our resource sharing relationship with other libraries.
  • All users are subject to the lending library's policies, fines, and replacement costs for lost or damaged interlibrary loan materials. 
  • Entire journals are not available for borrowing. Tables of content and articles may be requested instead.
  • Abuse of interlibrary loan policies (i.e. repeated late return) will result in the suspension of interlibrary loan privileges. Replacement fees charged to the library for unreturned items will be passed along to the user.

Interlibrary Loan Tips

Interlibrary Loan tips

  • Include all bibliographic information in your request.
  • Do not use abbreviations, when full titles are available.
  • Request renewals at least three days before the due date.
  • Return interlibrary loan materials to the Circulation Desk.  Do not use the book drops.

Consult or email the Interlibrary Loan Librarian at 317-955-6264 for inquiries about your requests.

Borrowing challenges

New books (current best-sellers), rare books, reference materials, computer programs, media materials (CDs/DVDs), foreign theses, dissertations and genealogical materials are often difficult to receive via interlibrary loan. Please consult Staff for help identifying items or finding alternatives.

Theses and Dissertations

Patrons may request master’s theses and doctoral dissertations through interlibrary loan.  However, theses and dissertations indexed within the catalog may be accessed though our access to Proquest's Theses and Dissertations database. Please contact a member of the library staff if you cannot obtain such an item through the methods listed above.