In this course, you will be expected to write a paper on a disease that impacts an animal and the humans that come into contact with it. The purpose of this guide isn’t to repeat the requirements of the paper, but to give you support, ideas, and examples of the processes we’ll be working on in class. You can use this prior to each class as a preview of what we’ll discuss, or as a refresher afterwards--or both. Each step will be clearly marked by session topic; for instance, our starting point is choosing a topic, finding background information, and abstracts. We’ll be covering these in our second week of classes. The goal is to break the writing process down into parts, so you can get feedback and make corrections, before turning in the final product. If you listen to the feedback and make the appropriate corrections, and if you ask for help when you need it along the way, you should be able to get a good grade on your midterm paper.