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AI for College Students

Ethical Considerations and Concerns with AI

Bias in AI Systems

AI is built by humans using content created by humans, so it will tend to have similar biases as humans. It may even amplify those biases.

Privacy and Data Protection

Everything typed into AI has the potential to be recorded and used for future training. Never give AI private information such as passwords, account numbers, social security numbers, or personal and identifable information.

Economic Disparity

While many versions of AI are free to use, the most advanced versions are typically accessed through a paid subscription. This perpetuates the system of the wealthy having access to resources not available to all.


AI was trained using content from the internet. All content on the internet falls under copyright, unless stated otherwise. So those who one the copyright to the training materials were not compensated for their creations.

Who Owns the Output

While initial tests of copyright law indicate that the output from AI does not fall under copyright (to receive copyright, material must be created by a human), the situations of AI copyright are still too young to be considered definitive.