CTL Commitment to Collaboration
The CTL embraces collaboration with groups across campus and is dedicated to partnering with faculty and staff to create a grant program that is connected to other campus initiatives. To support this commitment, the CTL will partner with existing initiatives so there is a special focus to the grant program each time it is offered.
Current Partnership and Focus of Grant
This year, the CTL is working in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Inclusive Excellence 3 (HHMI ie3) team at Marian University to target this grant opportunity on inclusive excellence. Marian’s ie3 work has the following goals:
- to increase sense of belonging among students, faculty, and staff;
- to improve shared language to facilitate communication locally as well as cross-institutionally;
- to improve sustainable faculty behaviors and mindsets that support critical, reflective, and equitable teaching; and
- to foster learning about faculty mindset and effective professional development to further cultivate an inclusive and anti-racist environment in our community.
We are hoping past and current learning community scholars and fellows, or any other individuals who are interested in creating a more accessible and inclusive environment at Marian, will apply for this funding to further this work on campus.