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CTL Teaching Innovation Grants

The CTL Teaching Innovation Grant program is designed to support faculty and staff in developing and implementing creative, practice-oriented teaching strategies. This guide is available with the program details so you have all the information you need to

Proposal Review Criteria

Table of criteria used during the review process of submitted proposals.

Criteria Weight Excellent Good  Needs Improvement
Alignment with Program Objectives 30% Fully aligns with multiple objectives; highly innovative. Aligns with one or more objectives; somewhat innovative. Weak alignment with objectives or lacks innovation.
Feasibility & Plan 20% Detailed, clear, and realistic implementation plan. Plan is somewhat clear; timeline is feasible. Lacks clarity or feasibility in the plan.
Impact & Significance 20% Strong potential to impact retention, equity, or engagement. Moderate potential for impact. Limited potential for meaningful impact.
Assessment & Evaluation 15% Clear and robust metrics for evaluation. Metrics are somewhat clear and sufficient. Lacks clear or meaningful evaluation methods.
Budget Justification 15% Budget is fully justified and cost-effective. Budget is reasonable but could be clearer. Budget is unclear or inappropriate.

Bonus Criteria (Optional):

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Does the project involve collaboration across departments or units?
  • Innovation: Is the proposal particularly creative, unique, or groundbreaking in its approach?

Submitted proposals will be reviewed by a committee of faculty and staff using the criteria above. This academic year, the review committee consists of the following individuals:

  • Sarah Justice, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology
  • Mona Kheiry, Ed.D., Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Sarah Klanderman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  • Najmus Saqib, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering