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Celebration of Teaching

The Celebration of Teaching is one of the signature events organized and facilitated by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Eligible Participants

Open to All

The Celebration of Teaching is open to all faculty and teaching staff who are engaged in innovative and impactful teaching and learning practices. We welcome participation from:

  • Full-time and part-time faculty at all campuses
  • Adjunct faculty at all campuses
  • Teaching and student support staff at all campuses

Intentional Connections

Educators who have received support through the Innovative Teaching Grant Program are expected to showcase their work at the event, sharing their insights and experiences with the broader teaching community.

Additionally, we encourage participation from faculty and staff involved in campus-wide teaching and learning initiatives, including those engaged in Marian Learning Communities and other professional development programs focused on enhancing teaching effectiveness and student success.

Submit Your Proposal 

Whether you are presenting a funded project, highlighting an instructional innovation, or sharing insights from a professional learning experience, the Celebration of Teaching provides a platform to inspire and connect with colleagues who are passionate about teaching excellence. Email Mona Kheiry for more information: