Focus the Study and Set the Stage:
1. Select a topic
2. Narrow the topic
3. Develop a research question
4. Identify the purpose of the study
5. Identify problems surrounding the study
6. Describe the context of the study
7. Identify central issues and subtopics
Summarized from Alber, Sandra M.. A Toolkit for Action Research. Lanham, US: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 13 May 2016.
Purpose of the literature review:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the field
2. Inform and shape the research project
3. Prepare future readers of the study to understand the context of the project
May include:
- Rationale or why the study is important
- Historical perspectives and seminal research
- Key concepts
- Current research
- Theoretical perspectives
- Key debates
- Human development
Summarized from Alber, Sandra M.. A Toolkit for Action Research. Lanham, US: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 13 May 2016.
Use keywords when performing searches
Databases use keywords to identify articles that are relevant to your search based on things such as how many times your keywords appear in the document.
Do not use full sentences, database searches don't work quite the same as Google.
Would stricter border controls reduce illegal immigration?
Main ideas (i.e. illegal immigration, border control)
Related terms (i.e. illegal aliens, customs, border patrol, open borders, border policy)
Note: Use quotation marks to search for multiple words as one term (i.e. “immigration laws”)
Use Ctrl+F when searching
Hold down the Ctrl key and tap the F key.
This opens a search box in your browser.
Allows you to search for keywords on your active page.
What you are looking for when you hit Ctrl+F:
Internet Explorer
Note: Ctrl+F also works in most pdfs and other documents, such as Excel spreadsheets.
Use the Advanced Search
This will give you additional search options so you can perform more targeted searches.
Advanced Search options: ERIC Number, Intended Audience, Publication Type
Advanced Search options: Item Type, Publication Title, Discipline
Advanced Search options: Tests & Measures, Record Type, Age Groups, Methodology
Advanced Search options: Current Events, Topics, Lexile, Number of Pages
Access Marian University Library content using Google Scholar.
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