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EDU 590/592: Action Research

This guide contains resources to help students with their Action Research course.

U.S. Data

Digest of Education Statistics
A compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
The NCES is the primary federal agency for the collection and analysis of education data. Significant resources include:

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
Research arm of the National Student Clearinghouse; collaborates with higher ed institutions, states, school districts and educational organizations to analyze data and compile reports on nearly all aspects of education

Department of Education Data Express
Created by the U.S. Department of Education, provides state profiles, data explorer, and data table builder.

United States Education Dashboard
Data compiled from state and national data sources to indicate progress toward President Obama's 2020 goal.

College Completion: Who graduates from college, who doesn't and why 
Site created by The Chronicle of Higher Education that shows completion rates in American higher education