In order to find journals relating to ethics and/or moral theology, click the link below to retrieve a list directly from our library catalog.
Bioethics Journals - Library Catalog
For a journal title search, use our A-Z list to find access from select publishers.
Also, use our Browzine platform to find journal subjects and associated titles, as well as use interlibrary loan for embargoed content.
Looking for a book or article that is not in the library's collection? The library will attempt to get a copy for you.
The best way to request items is to search our catalog and click the Request button located on the item record. Item information fill automatically fill out the form so no manual entry is needed.
Once a request is made, users can monitor their request by logging into the My Account feature, and clicking Requests to check the item status.
See the Interlibrary Loan resource guide for policies and procedures.