Welcome to the PHL498 resource guide. Use the tabs to locate resources relating to the sub-discipline of interest. The first option when beginning a search is to perform a subject search for items relating to religion and theology from our library catalog.
Useful Search Values
Boolean Operators are helpful tools to expand or refine multiple keywords in a search. When searching our catalog, it is recommended to capitalize the operators. The operators include:
- AND - a connector between terms. This shows how many results contain each the desired terms, resulting in a small result list. ex: eagles AND condors AND California
- OR - an expander of retrieved results. This will generate a list containing all results lumped together for each term searched. Ex. Diabetes OR cancer OR america.
- NOT - a value that excludes any unwanted results from a desired result set. Ex.chemistry NOT inorganic
- """ (quotation marks): phrase searching, differentiates keywords from phrases, will search groups of text as a whole. Ex. "The Grapes of Wrath" or "organic chemistry"