Welcome to the library's guide for finding information and resources relating to the study of ecology. First, try performing a catalog search for items relating to ecology from our library catalog. Alternatively, one can browse the stacks; the call numbers listed on the left indicate where to find the subject in question.
Helpful subject terms to search (in addition to 'ecology'):
Those wishing to browse the stacks for ecology resources only need to look at the call number range for their subject. The general category for science within the Library of Congress classification system is Q. Alternatively, search for subjects and their respective call numbers using the search box below:
Find a Call Number
Selected ranges for ecology include:
Human ecology. Anthropogeography - Human influences on the environment - GF75
Natural history. Including nature conservation, geographical distribution QH1-(199.5)
Ecology QH540-549.5
Botany - Plant Ecology QK900-989
Learn more about the Library of Congress Classification system.