This page is dedicated to the resources created and gathered regarding Quizzes and assessments in Canvas.
For Respondus Lockdown Browser/Monitor information, go here.
For help in creating Quizzes using Respondus 4.0, click here.
For help with Canvas Outcomes or Canvas Rubrics, or assessment in general, click here.
Canvas has two quiz engines available to instructors. Classic Quizzes have been around for a while but Canvas is looking to replace them with New Quizzes. Originally, Classic Quizzes would be completely depreciated, but that replacement has been delayed indefinitely for now.
Both Quiz engines can be used with LockDown Browser although the method for getting in the quiz for the student is slightly different. For Classic Quizzes, students will have to open LDB first and then log in and go to the quiz in their course. For New Quizzes, students will have to use their regular browser to go to the Quiz and then it will open LDB when they begin.
Here is a chart from Canvas showing the similarities and differences between the two quiz engines.
One thing that is very important to note is that if a quiz is created as a Classic Quiz, it can be changed to a New Quiz at any time. Currently, there is no process to do the reverse. If an instructor creates a quiz as a New Quiz and wishes to make it into a Classic Quiz, it will need to be recreated from the ground up.