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Canvas for Students

Support for Marian University's Learning Management System Canvas.

What are Canvas Guides?

Canvas Guides are guides created by Canvas that show how to do nearly anything within the program.

Student Canvas Guides

Here are some frequently asked questions that the guides and other resources help answer.

What browsers are supported by Canvas?

How do I use the Course Home Page?

How can I update my Canvas profile and picture?

How can I manage Canvas Notifications?

All Courses List in Canvas

How to get to the All Courses List

Once your courses conclude in Canvas (usually at the end of the term), they get removed from the Dashboard in your Canvas. In most cases, you will still have access to them though through your All Courses list. To find them:

  1. Go to Canvas.
  2. Click on Courses
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the list "All Courses."

Starring or Pinning courses to your Dashboard

You can also choose which courses appear on your Dashboard by using the All Courses list. If the star is 'on', the course will be pinned to your Dashboard. If the star is 'off', the course dates will determine whether the course appears on your Dashboard. If you pin one course to your Dashboard, the rest will be removed so you will need to update this setting every time you get new courses. If you have a course or courses starred then new courses will not automatically be added to your Dashboard.