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Academic Writing

Marian's Academic Writing Hub! πŸ“šβœοΈ Your one-stop resource for all things academic writing. Whether you're a student crafting your first college essay or polishing your dissertation, we've got tools to help you succeed.

Embedding Writing Consultations in Graduate and Online Courses Assignments

πŸ“Stregnthen Writing Quality in Accelerated Courses

This toolkit is designed to help faculty effectively integrate writing consultations into their graduate and online course assignments. By incorporating these consultations, you can support working adult students, stregnthen writing skills, and streamline your teaching process in fast-paced academic environments.


Why Embed Writing Consultations?

  • ⏰ Accommodate busy schedules of working adult students
  • πŸ“ˆ Improve assignment-specific writing quality
  • πŸ”„ Provide professional feedback without peer review logistics
  • 🌐 Support diverse writing backgrounds in online environments
  • πŸ“š Allow more time for content coverage in accelerated courses


How It Addresses Unique Accelerated and Online Course Needs

  • Time Constraints: Students receive expert feedback without coordinating peer reviews
  • Individual Focus: Tailored support for each student's specific needs
  • Professional Development: Mimics workplace writing improvement processes
  • Content-Heavy Courses: Frees up class time for critical content discussions
  • Diverse Cohorts: Provides consistent writing support across varied student backgrounds


Types of Writing Consultations Available

  • Writing Consultations
    • Live consultations via face-to-face or Webex
    • Scheduled in advance through WC Online
    • Ideal for in-depth discussions and immediate feedback
  • Writing Consultations 24/7
    • Asynchronous, slot-based consultations
    • Submit work anytime and receive feedback within a set timeframe
    • Perfect for busy schedules and time zone differences


Implementation Process

  1. Select Assignments: Choose key writing tasks for consultation integration
  2. Update Rubrics: Add "evidence of writing consultation" requirement
  3. Guide Students: Provide clear expectations for each assignment's consultation
  4. Facilitate: Students complete consultation
  5. Assess: Use Client Report Form as evidence of completed consultation


What's in the Faculty Toolkit? πŸ§°

  • Syllabus Snippets
  • Assignment-Specific Consultation Guidelines Template
  • Rubric Example with Consultation Component
  • Student Guide for Writing Consultations
  • FAQs for Students and Instructors


Need Assistance?

  • πŸ‘₯ Book a one-on-one consultation with Tanisha Neely, Writing Consultant and Graduate Academic Success Coordinator
  • πŸ“§ Contact Academic Commons at or stop by the Academic Commons Help Desk on the first floor of the Library for assistance


Student Scheduling

Direct students to schedule their appointments using these links:


Remember: Clear communication about writing expectations for each assignment ensures students make the most of their consultations!

Syllabus Snippets

Basic Introduction to Writing Consultations

This course incorporates Writing Consultations to stregnthen your writing skills and support your academic success. For each major writing assignment, you are required to participate in at least one Writing Consultation. These consultations offer valuable opportunities for professional feedback and revision, helping you improve the quality of your work and develop essential writing skills for your academic and professional career.


Writing Consultations can assist you with:
- Brainstorming and planning your assignment
- Developing your thesis or main arguments
- Organizing your ideas and structuring your paper
- Refining your draft and improving clarity
- Polishing your final version and citing sources correctly

While one consultation is required for each major assignment, you are strongly encouraged to utilize this resource throughout your writing process.


Writing Consultation Policy

Writing Consultation Requirement:
For each major writing assignment in this course, you must complete the following steps:

1. Schedule at least one Writing Consultation through WC Online
   Choose either

2. Attend the consultation (live) or submit your draft (asynchronous) and actively engage in the process
3. Revise your work based on the feedback received
4. Submit your final draft along with the Client Report Form

Failure to provide evidence of at least one Writing Consultation (in the form of a Client Report Form) will result in a [X]% deduction from your assignment grade.

Note: While only one consultation is required, you are strongly encouraged to schedule additional sessions as needed throughout your writing process.


Scheduling Information

To schedule a Writing Consultation:

1. Visit and log in using your university credentials
2. Select either of these schedules based on your needs or go directly to the schedule using the link:

3. Choose an available time slot that works for you

  •    For live sessions, book at least 24 hours before your assignment deadline
  •    For asynchronous feedback, submit at least 48 hours before your deadline

4. Fill out the appointment form with details about your assignment and writing concerns

5. Upload your written draft and assignment instructions/rubric 

Remember, you can schedule consultations at any point in your writing process, from initial brainstorming to final polishing. Don't wait until you have a complete draft to seek support!

For questions or assistance with scheduling, contact the Academic Commons at or stop by the Academic Commons Help Desk on the first floor of the Library


Assignment-Specific Consultation Guidelines Template

[Assignment Name] Writing Consultation Guidelines


As part of this assignment, you are required to participate in a Writing Consultation. You may choose either a live consultation or an asynchronous review.

Consultation Focus:
During your consultation, focus on the following aspects of your assignment:
1. [Specific aspect, e.g., argument development] 🎯
2. [Specific aspect, e.g., integration of research] πŸ”
3. [Specific aspect, e.g., adherence to citation style] πŸ“š

- For live consultations: Schedule at least 48 hours before the assignment deadline
- For asynchronous reviews: Submit at least 72 hours before the assignment deadline

What to Prepare:
- Your current draft (even if incomplete) πŸ“„
- The assignment prompt πŸ“
- Any questions or concerns you have about your writing ❓

After the Consultation:
Revise your work based on the feedback received. Be prepared to discuss how you incorporated this feedback when submitting your final draft.

Rubric Example with Consultation Component

Assignment: 8-10 page research paper on a topic related to your field of study

Note to instructors: While the rubric assesses the required consultation, consider offering extra credit or other incentives for students who engage in multiple consultations throughout their writing process.


Criterion Excellent (A) Good (B) Needs Improvement (C) Poor (D/F)
Content and Analysis (25%) Presents a clear, original thesis. Demonstrates in-depth analysis and critical thinking. Effectively synthesizes multiple sources. Thesis is present but could be stronger. Analysis is good but lacks some depth. Synthesis of sources is adequate. Thesis is weak or unclear. Analysis is superficial. Limited synthesis of sources. Lacks a clear thesis. Little to no analysis. Poor integration of sources.
Organization and Structure (20%) Logical flow of ideas. Clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Effective use of transitions. Generally well-organized. Some sections could be better connected. Organization is unclear in places. Weak transitions between ideas. Poorly organized. Lacks clear structure.
Research and Sources (20%) Uses a variety of credible, scholarly sources. Sources are well-integrated and support arguments effectively. Good use of sources, but could be more diverse or better integrated. Limited variety of sources. Some integration issues. Few or unreliable sources. Poor integration of research.
Writing Style and Clarity (15%) Clear, concise, and professional writing style. Appropriate for graduate-level work. Writing is generally clear. Some areas could be more concise or professional. Several instances of unclear or informal writing. Consistently unclear, verbose, or inappropriate style.
Citation and Formatting (10%) Correct use of citation style (APA/MLA). Proper formatting throughout. Minor citation or formatting errors. Several citation or formatting errors. Significant citation or formatting issues.
Writing Consultation Participation (10%) Attended consultation (live or asynchronous). Provided Client Report Form. Clear evidence of incorporating feedback in final draft. Attended consultation and provided Client Report Form. Some evidence of incorporating feedback. Attended consultation but did not provide Client Report Form or show clear use of feedback. Did not attend required Writing Consultation.


Extra Credit Option (up to 5 points):

Engage in multiple writing consultations throughout the writing process (e.g., outline review, draft review, final edit review). Submit Client Report Forms for each consultation to earn extra credit.


Remember, the Writing Consultation is a required component of this assignment. Schedule your consultation well in advance of the due date to allow time for revisions. You can choose between a live consultation (Writing Consultations schedule) or an asynchronous review (Writing Consultations 24/7 schedule) based on your preference and availability.

Student Guide for Writing Consultations

Making the Most of Writing Consultations


Consultations at Every Stage:
- Brainstorming: Discuss your ideas and develop a strong thesis 🧠
- Outlining: Organize your thoughts and create a clear structure πŸ—ΊοΈ
- Drafting: Get feedback on your arguments and evidence ✍️
- Revising: Improve clarity, coherence, and flow πŸ”
- Polishing: Refine your language and check citations ✨


Preparing for Your Consultation:
- Bring whatever you have - ideas, outlines, partial or complete drafts πŸ“‘
- Review your assignment guidelines and rubric πŸ“‹
- Prepare specific questions or areas of concern you want to address ❓


During the Consultation:
- Be open to feedback and suggestions πŸ‘‚
- Take notes on the consultant's recommendations πŸ“
- Ask questions if anything is unclear πŸ€”


After the Consultation:
- Review your notes and the Client Report Form πŸ“–
- Create a revision plan based on the feedback πŸ“…
- Implement changes in your work ✏️
- Consider scheduling a follow-up consultation if needed πŸ”„


Remember, Writing Consultations are an opportunity to improve your work and develop your skills as a writer. The earlier and more often you engage with this resource, the more you'll benefit!

FAQs for Students and Instructors

FAQs for Students

Q: When should I schedule my first Writing Consultation for an assignment?
A: As early as possible! You can schedule a consultation as soon as you receive the assignment, even if you haven't started writing. πŸ•’

Q: How many consultations can I have for one assignment?
A: While one consultation is required, you're encouraged to schedule multiple sessions throughout your writing process. There's no limit, but availability may vary. πŸ”’

Q: Do I need to have a complete draft to schedule a consultation?
A: Not at all! You can schedule consultations at any stage of writing, from brainstorming to final revisions. πŸ“

Q: What if I'm just starting and don't have anything written yet?
A: That's a great time for a consultation! Bring your assignment prompt and any ideas you have. The consultant can help you brainstorm and develop a plan. πŸ’‘


FAQs for Instructors

Q: How long should writing consultations last?
A: Typically, 60 minutes is recommended for most assignments. ⏱️

Q: How do I verify that students completed the consultation?
A: Students will receive a Client Report Form after their consultation, which they should submit with their assignment. πŸ“„

Q: Can graduate students and online learners access writing consultations?
A: Yes, we offer online consultation options to accommodate all students. πŸ’»