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New Faculty Orientation

New, full-time faculty receive a New Faculty Orientation every August. This guide covers important information about this orientation so faculty feel informed and supported.

Campus Contact Program


The purpose of the Campus Contact program for new faculty is simply to provide a connection to the campus that is not within their own department.  This connection is someone who will reach out to the new faculty member to see how things are going, meet them for lunch or coffee, and sit with them at campus meetings. It is a friendly face and someone they know.  We purposefully did not use the term “mentor,” as that implies a more formal relationship.  However, sharing of information about where to find things on campus, how certain processes work, or who to ask is encouraged.  While we hope friendships emerge, the purpose of the Campus Contact is to provide different sources of connections to make the new environment not seem so large.

New Faculty Expectations

As a new faculty member, you will be connected with a Campus Contact outside of your department.  This is a current faculty member who has volunteered to help make the transition to Marian a positive one for you.  As we move through the year, here are some ways to optimize your connection with your Contact:

  • Take the initiative to reach out to your Contact. Sometimes we just get busy and time gets away from us. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
  • Feel free to ask questions and share concerns. Your Contact may not know the answer, but they can probably suggest someone with whom to speak.
  • Respect privacy and keep conversations confidential.
  • Be honest with each other, even if that means accepting that the connection really isn’t working for some reason. We can always introduce another Contact.

Campus Contact Expectations

Campus Contacts will be connected with one to three new faculty members outside of their department. During the academic year, they are encouraged to reach out to new faculty once or twice a month to:

  • Share insights about MU, the surrounding community, and support resources for faculty.
  • Provide a familiar face to help the new faculty feel welcome in their new environment.
  • Address questions, concerns, and special needs in a confidential manner.
  • Introduce new faculty to other faculty and opportunities to help them develop a personal support system at MU.
  • Invite new faculty to sit with them at campus events such as Faculty Assemblies, Community Day, and the State of the University.
  • Share a meal at the café (The CTL will provide lunch tickets once a semester)
  • Participate in various activities with new faculty such as Teaching Squares, book discussions, etc.

Campus Contacts are asked to keep the following in mind: 

  • It is important to listen more than you talk. Really try to hear how your Contact if feeling and what they are saying.
  • Respect the privacy of the new faculty member and keep conversations confidential.
  • Be positive about the University and our work here.
  • Give feedback or advice tentatively, and only if directly asked.
  • Be honest with each other, even if that means accepting that the connection really isn’t working for some reason.  We can always introduce another Contact.