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CTL Partners

The CTL partners closely with several groups across campus. This guide describes these connections.

Teaching and Learning Committee

Center for Teaching and Learning and the Teaching and Learning Committee

The Teaching and Learning Committee is a faculty run committee with staff representatives from the Center for Teaching and Learning and Online Programs. Per 2.11.5 in the Faculty Handbook, the Center for Teaching and Learning, working in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Committee, supports and recognizes faculty in their development as teachers, and facilitates a variety of professional development opportunities, including large-scale events and other professional development programming. See below for a description of the Teaching and Learning Committee.


Article IV.E.3 Teaching and Learning Committee  


  • The committee shall consist of one elected member from each electoral unit, a representative from the Center of Teaching and Learning, and a representative from the Marian Adult Program. 
  • The committee members will elect the chair. 
  • Elected members shall serve two-year terms. 


  • The committee promotes effective teaching and successful learning in academic programs at the discretion of the faculty and programs and in collaboration with the Instructional Technology Committee, Professional Development Committee, and the Center for Teaching and Learning. 
  • The committee supports and guides faculty when preparing for or responding to pre-tenure, tenure, and promotion reviews.
  • The committee consults with academic programs when they are preparing for program review.