Marian University Archives has print copies of our vital student newspaper from 1938 through 1979, detailing the academic happenings of the Marian community, including both Oldenburg and Indianapolis. The Marian Phoenix was recognized by the Associated Collegiate Press and the Catholic School Press Association for decades. The years 1952-1965 are digitized for convenience.
Marian University Archives houses The Fioretti, named after the Fioretti di San Francesco d'Assisi, a collection of popular legends regarding St. Francis. Following its namesake, The Fioretti captures the legendary prose and poetry of Marian College's campus throughout its history. Various issues of The Fioretti are available for circulation in the library, as well as digitized for convenience.
The Marian was published from 1956-2009, and is available for circulation in the library. All volumes are also available by request in the Archives.
The Carbon is available only in the Marian University Archives. This weekly newsletter was organized entirely by the student body, and was renamed The Knight Times in 1982. Marian University Archives has print copies of The Carbon & Knight Times from 1954-1999.
Marian College has historically recognized four student publications: the Phoenix, the Marian, the Fioretti, and the Carbon. Each of these four publications had its own faculty advisor who, beginning in 1965, represented the publications to the Student Government. The Fioretti is the only publication that remains to this day.
Marian University continues to print college publications, such as catalogs and alumni newsletters.
The Magnet served as a quarterly alumni magazine from 1969 until 2010, when its name was changed to Marian University Magazine to reflect the school's new title of Marian University. The Marian University Archives has print copies of The Magnet from 1969-2010, while archived volumes of the Marian University Magazine may be found online.
Marian College published handbooks for both faculty and students. These handbooks provided essential information for student life, including the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, which all students are expected to follow. While this code is still included in student planners today, it is also available online. The Marian University Archives has Faculty Handbooks from 1955-1983 and Student Handbooks from 1954-2015.
Each catalog contains information regarding history, administration, faculty, staff, entrance requirements, degree offerings, course requirements, course listings by department, and college tuition and fees. The Marian University Archives has print catalogs from 1937-2008. Archived issues of the catalog since 2009 can be found online.