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SWK 350 - Social Work Research and Assessment: Managing Citations - EndNote Web

Getting Started

In order to start using EndNote Web at Marian University, all Marian users are required to create their own free account to store their citations. Users may either go to to register or they may start searching the catalog or databases and exporting citations. Users should create their accounts from on-campus, using their Marian University login credentials. If a user isn't signed in, the citations will be saved while the user authenticates to their account. Citations will then be imported.

Once an account is created, users can sign in from this page:

Note: When creating an account, pay close attention to all the required characters needed for accessing your account.

Questions or troubleshooting issues related to user accounts can access this page for detailed login information.

Help Using EndNote Web

If assistance is needed, users are encouraged to contact a librarian with questions regarding access and manipulation of their citations. In addition, the link below provides detailed information on all aspects of EndNote Web.

EndNote Web Introduction

EndNote Web is a tool that allows users to manage their research citations, directly from Internet and the library catalog and databases to which the Marian University Library subscribes. Functions include:


  • Collect references
  • Organize references
  • Create a formatted bibliography
  • Collaborate with colleagues and students


Browse the tabs at the left for information on using EndNote Web at Marian University. 

Organizing One's Citations

Once a user account is created, and bibliographic citations have been imported, the issue of management comes into play. Users have the ability to create and differentiate between as many folders as necessary. Once imported, citations will appear in a "quick list" whereby they can be added to new folders at the user's discretion, or deleted as necessary. These folders can then be shared with (under the "Organize" tab) as well as edited by other authorized users, arranged by the creator of the folder, for collaborative use.

View the video below to learn more about organizing one's collection of citations.

Web or Client/Desktop?

Marian University has access to EndNote client/desktop (Advanced). You can request access to EndNotex9 by contacting Chris Bishop ( Additionally, it is installed on on-campus computers. The link below provides a comparison between the EndNote Web and desktop client versions.

EndNote x9 (Client/Desktop) User Guide