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Large-Format Printing

Your resource guide for formatting and printing guidelines and the request form for large-format poster projects.

Print Requests


To submit a print request, follow these three steps:

1. Save it as a PDF (View the video below to see how to save a PowerPoint file as a PDF.)

2. Verify the size

  • Check the file's dimensions by going to AllinPDF and uploading your file.
  • Below is a short video showing the process.
  • Take note of the size. The print size is required for the request form. Any form where the size of the file and the size of the request do not match will be denied.

3. Click on the Microsoft Forms tool at the bottom of the page to fill out the Poster Request Form. Fill it out completely to submit your request.

  • You can choose to get a copy of the request emailed to you at the very end of the form.
  • Once the poster is ready for pickup, you will get an email that it is ready.
  • Pickups are done from the front desk of the library. Your Marian ID will be required to pickup your poster. There is a place on the form to indicate if alternate people can pickup the poster.
  • Mounting, trimming, and laminating services are not provided.

Available Paper Types

Many types of papers and other materials (canvas, banner paper, etc.) can be used with this printer. The user will be expected to supply their own medium for requests using supplies other than those listed below.

Default paper: 

Prints are done on this paper by default. See below if you are requesting a different type.

    • Satin (some sheen, not as shiny as glossy prints): 42”, 36”, 24"

Limited Quantities:

Put in Notes of Poster Request Form if requesting these paper types.

  • Matte (no sheen or shine), only available on 24" prints (while supplies last)
  • Adhesive-backed Matte (For peel and stick-on mounting boards or signage), only available on 24” prints (while supplies last)