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Article Database Best Bets
PubMed@MarianThis link opens in a new windowPubmed linking to Marian full-text
Ostmed.DRThis link opens in a new windowOSTMED is an osteopathic medicine digital bibliographic citation index with abstracts only,
Google Scholar@MarianThis link opens in a new windowProvides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including theses, books, abstracts and articles, w/direct links to Marian full text.
To link to Marian's electronic journal holdings, under settings (top left menu), click Library Links. Then, search for 'marian' and select the "Find it @ Marian University" option. Access will then be displayed in search result lists.
ScienceDirectScienceDirect is a leading source for medical research. Best used as an index as we do not subscribe to a large portion of the content.
The Historic Journals and Osteopathic Books ProjectJournals are only searchable by individual months. Due to font changes in the journals, word searches are limited. In addition, some years the journals were not printed, while other issues have been lost to time.
Osteopathic Research WebThese theses - some of which are high quality work - are presented to a jury and a small audience, but after they have been accepted they are usually neither published nor easily accessible for osteopaths from outside of the respective school.
Our project's goal is to connect those two: The references and abstracts of osteopathic research projects are submitted to a database that is accessible via internet from all over the world for free, presenting osteopathic research not just to the osteopathic community but also to the interested public. Osteopaths who are interested in the details of a specific research paper from our database could then mail-order a printed version from the respective university or school. Alternatively the full-text articles are sometimes made available as PDF
Extensive listing of medical scholarly journal articles compiled by the U.S. government, some available full text.
MEDLINE is an index of life sciences and biomedical research developed and supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. It lists 27 million sources from 1966 to the present with robust search functions including an up to date thesaurus of words and phrases that represent subjects in the medical field. A strength is its extensiveness and selectivity of medical research, while a weakness is its limited options for full text (approximately 15% of the collection is full text). INSPIRE.
Starting research point for education research, from preschool to college.
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is an index of education research developed and supported by the U.S. Department of Education. It lists 1.5 million sources dating from 1966 to the present, with robust search functions including a thesaurus of works and phrases that represent subjects in the field of education. A strength is its extensiveness and selectivity of English language education research, while a weakness is its limited options for full text. INSPIRE.
Ovid interface for Medline database. The world's premier, comprehensive biomedical database. Updated daily, MEDLINE on OvidSP offers you seamless and up-to-the-minute access to the latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,500 biomedicine and life sciences journals in nearly 40 languages (60 languages for older journals). English abstracts are included in more than 80% of the records.