UNC Chapel Hill's The Learning Center offers a wide range of resources to support students in their academic pursuits. Here’s a summary of the key areas covered:
Memorize Academy provides a less than 9 minute video on general study strategies.
A 5 minute video published by Sprouts providing tips on memorization.
Various Websites to help taking notes easier:
5 Methods of note taking- A general overview of 5 methods of note taking. .
Cornell note taking- The Learning Toolbox provides resources for the specific note taking style, Cornell Notes.
Mind mapping note taking- ECU.edu provides resources for Mind Map Note Taking
Outline note taking - Resources for taking notes in the outline style.
Crash Course YouTube Channel, an educational YouTube channel started by Hank Green and John Green (author of The Fault in Our Stars), provides a less than 10 minute video of different types of note taking and their benefits.
Active vs. passive reading- SPARK provides information about active vs. passive reading techniques. Passive reading refers to skimming through material without fully engaging, which often results in inadequate retention and comprehension. In contrast, active reading entails questioning, analyzing, and interacting with the text, fostering improved focus, understanding, and overall study effectiveness.
Characteristics of active and passive readers - Quick PDF chart comparing Active vs. Passive Reading characteristics
Crash Course, an educational YouTube channel started by Hank Green and John Green (author of The Fault in Our Stars), informational video, less than 10 minutes, providing help for reading assignments.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill provides some tips for note-taking from readings.