Citations in varying formats can be found from our catalog and all of our databases to which we subscribe. Simply look for the icon mentioning 'citation' and the ability to format citations will be straightforward. Here are examples of the citation icons from different databases:
Though citation generation is a standard feature in most databases, its display, functionality and efficacy can vary between databases or vendors. Hence, when verifying accuracy of generated citations, users are encouraged to consult the authoritative style guides to ensure accurate citation creation.
Below is a list of standard style manuals and guides for manuscript preparation, source citation and bibliography preparation. If you have specific questions about formatting or writing style, stop by the Writing Center, located on the first floor of the Library or contact a librarian for assistance.
Creating and/or exporting citations can be done through either the WorldCat Local catalog, or through that for Discovery. For the former, after performing a search, click the title and then the Cite/Export link toward the top of the options. Next, select the preferred citation style for copying/pasting into a document or click the Export to EndNote / Reference Manager option for importing into EndNote (either the client or web version).
For WorldCat Local
Additionally, click the Export to EndNote / Reference Manager option if directly importing to EndNote.
For WorldCat Discovery
1. Click the Share button.
2. Click Cite Record.
3. Choose Cite With Endnote.
4. Import into client or web-based citation library.