The Institutional Assessment Committee (IAC) grant program seeks to support faculty and staff in their efforts directly or indirectly assessing student learning and engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Direct assessment involves the examination or observation of actual student work while indirect assessment focuses on perceptions of student learning rather than actual student work. Through SoTL, faculty and staff take a scholarly approach to their teaching by applying research methods to explore how students comprehend information and how they as teachers are contributing to student learning.
IAC encourages faculty and staff to apply with preference being given to collaborative, interdisciplinary, and/or interprofessional projects. Awardees can receive up to $2,000 to support their assessment/SoTL project. Both large-scale and smaller projects will be considered. Below is information on the process.
Faculty and staff will submit written proposals via email to Tony Ribera, Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, at by no later than Friday, December 6th. Additional submission formats (e.g., PowerPoint slides; videos, etc.) are also welcome. Suggested guidelines for different proposal formats are included below. An IAC subcommittee of at least 3 IAC members will review all proposals. Applicants will receive feedback on their proposal and notification of grant funding by no later than Friday, January 17th.
In April, awardees will prepare a presentation/poster to showcase their project design and timeline and present their work at a campus event (Research Symposium, Celebration of Teaching and Learning, etc.).
Proposals should include the following:
- Name(s) of Applicant(s)
- Rank(s)/Title(s)
- Email(s)
- Phone(s)
- Project Information
Project Title
Purpose/Outcomes of Project (500 words; 2-3 slides/minutes) – Description of course/curriculum involved in project. How does this project align with program-level and institutional learning outcomes/criteria? Does this project examine high-impact educational practices or equitable assessment practices?
Data Source(s) (100 words; 1 slide/minute) – How do you plan to collect data? What existing data, if any, will be used?
Data Analysis (100 words; 1 slide/minute – How do you plan to analyze data?
Intended Use of Results (500 words; 2-3 slides/minutes) – How will your project improve departmental/program assessment practices? How will your project inform the teaching and SoTL efforts of Marian faculty and student affairs educators?
Support (100 words; 1 slide/minute) – What assistance will you need from the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (e.g., data, survey design/administration support), the Center for Teaching and Learning, etc. to carry out your project?
Details on IRB Approval and CITI Training (this may be obtained AFTER your proposal is approved, but consider the timeline and the need for approval before data can be gathered. This must be received before funding may be received.
- Letter(s) of support from chair(s)/supervisor(s)
- Detailed budget (materials and supplies) and project timeline
If you would like to discuss the IAC grant program further or schedule an individual consultation with an IAC member, please contact Tony Ribera.