Use the Advanced Search
This will give you additional search options so you can perform more targeted searches.
Advanced Search options: Format, Year, Language, Audience, Content, Location, and more.
Use index searching
When you perform a search in WorldCat you are searching in the Keyword index, which is the default, but you can also search in specific indexes for better search results.
Popular Indexes with examples:
Name Index (au:) - au:c.s. lewis
Title Index (ti:) - ti:the magician's nephew
Subject Index (su:) - su:fantasy juvenile fiction
Format Index (x0:) - x0:book, x0:video, x0:game
Example Search:
This is an index search for a book with wardrobe in the title and the name lewis.
Note: WorldCat does not auto-correct spelling.
Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) when we don't own a book other libraries have.
Interlibrary Loan is a free service.
The library requests articles on your behalf from other institutions.
What the ILL request button looks like in WorldCat:
To place a request: Click Here
To find out more about ILL: Library Resources at Marian University: InterLibrary Loan