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Business & Management: Find Articles

Popular Business Article Databases

Multidisciplinary Article Databases

Academic Search Premier
Articles and or summaries from scholarly journals, newspapers and popular magazines covering most academic disciplines.

ProQuest Basic Search
Search across all databases on the ProQuest Platform. Multidisciplinary.

A full-text journal archive, covering humanities, social sciences and science. JSTOR is a digital library of more than 1,500 academic journals, books, and primary sources.

Trade Publications

Trade publications, often affiliated with trade associations, share information about a specific industry with people who have an interest in it. They can be great sources of information about trends, consumers, competition, threats, and companies within that industry. Examples of trade publications include Automotive NewsBeverage Industry, and Candy and Snack Today.

If you're researching a specific company and are having trouble locating information, you can look to trade publications for an understanding of general trends within that company's industry. You can draw conclusions about the conditions faced by a company, and gather ideas for searching for additional information in local publications.

Trade publications are generally a great source of business information. You can search for trade publications through Google, though sometimes they are only available to paid subscribers (and sometimes they're free - It's worth a try!). You can also search for trade publications through a library database, such as Business Source Complete, which provide subscription content for free.


Searching Business Source Complete for Trade Publications

To search trade publications in Business Source Complete, type your keywords in the search box. Keywords are words or short phrases that you would expect to find in an article about your topic.

Example keyword searches might be:

  • casual dining (industry/sector description)
  • Red Robin (name of a specific company)
  • burger trends (narrower topic within industry)
  • Kempczinski (name of prominent person within industry)

After you click "search" and see your results, you can filter by source type by clicking the All Filters button, and checking the Trade Publications box under Source Types on the right side of the screen.
image showing the option to limit to trade publications selected

Searching for Articles in Harvard Business Review

  • From Business Source Complete, click Advanced Search (under the search box)
  • Put in information you know about the article. Include the word "Harvard".  Keep it simple. This example includes a little of the title, 1 author, and the word "harvard" below:
  • You should see the article in your results list. Click PDF Full text to view the full text of the article.

Newspaper Access

Article Searching Tips

Use the Advanced Search
This will give you additional search options so you can perform more targeted searches.

Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Advanced Search options: Document Type, Product Name, Company/Entity, Ticker Symbol, NAICS/Industry Code, Duns Number, and more.


Use Ctrl+F when searching
Hold down the Ctrl key and tap the F key.
This opens a search box in your browser.
Allows you to search for keywords on your active page.

What you are looking for when you hit Ctrl+F:



Internet Explorer

Note: Ctrl+F also works in most pdfs and other documents, such as Excel spreadsheets.

Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) when you can't access an article
Interlibrary Loan is a free service.
The library requests articles on your behalf from other institutions.
Requests can be initiated not only on our website and in the catalog, but also in databases such as EBSCO.

What a database ILL request button may look like:

To place a request: Click Here

To find out more about ILL: Library Resources at Marian University: InterLibrary Loan

Use keywords when performing searches
Databases use keywords to identify articles that are relevant to your search based on things such as how many times your keywords appear in the document.

Do not use full sentences, database searches don't work quite the same as Google.


Would stricter border controls reduce illegal immigration?

Main ideas (i.e. illegal immigration, border control)

Related terms (i.e. illegal aliens, customs, border patrol, open borders, border policy)

Note: Use quotation marks to search for multiple words as one term (i.e. “immigration laws”)